Trial-Based Cognitive Therapy (TBCT) was developed as a three-level, three-phase, case formulation approach whose foundation is in Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT). Like standard CBT, TBCT is an active and collaborative approach to treatment that helps clients to recognize situationally based thoughts and unhelpful beliefs that exacerbate emotional distress. One of the main goals of TBCT is to help clients modify the so-called core beliefs (CBs) which are those global, rigid, and over-generalized perceptions about themselves, others, and the world that are accepted as absolutely true. TBCT has a unique approach to conceptualization and techniques that make it a distinct intervention in modifying clients’ cognitions at the three levels that include CBs, assumptions or rules about the world, and automatic thoughts. One of the main techniques used in TBCT is the Trial-Based Thought Record (Trial I), a structured strategy that is presented using an to the courtroom and associated practice of law. The therapist engages the client in a simulation of the judicial process and supports the client in strengthening their inner defense attorney (DA) rather than an inner prosecutor. The TBCT therapist uses a creative and stimulating process to make clients aware of their CBs, engaging them in a constructive trial to develop more positive and functional beliefs. In this presentation, attendees will be introduced to this integrative and experiential approach to CBT in which they will observe Dr. de Oliveira implement TBCT’s main innovative techniques, namely, Intrapersonal Thought Record (Intra-TR), Participation Grid (PG), and Trial I.
Following this presentation, participants will be able to:
Irismar Reis de Oliveira, MD, PhD, is a full Professor of Psychiatry at the Federal University of Bahia, in Brazil. His background includes activities as an Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Head of the Psychiatry Service at the same university. He is a member of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Psychotherapy (ABCT); Brazilian Association of Psychiatry; and a Founding Fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (ACT). He has written 130 articles, 25 book chapters and has edited/published six books. He developed Trial-Based Cognitive Therapy (, and has trained therapists in the USA, Brazil and other countries in this model.
This presentation is intended for licensed mental health professionals and advanced graduate student trainees seeking licensure and with some clinical experience. The instructional level of this presentation is BEGINNER.
Copyright Philadelphia Behavior Therapy Association