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  • Introduction to Structural Analysis of Social Behavior and Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy for Enchancing Response Transtherapeutically

Introduction to Structural Analysis of Social Behavior and Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy for Enchancing Response Transtherapeutically

  • 08/14/2024
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Virtual


  • Includes 2 CE Credits
  • Advanced Graduate student trainees who are members are invited to register - if not yet a member become one before registration. This level of registration does NOT include CE credits
  • Includes 2 CE Credits. All licensed mental health professionals are invited to becoming PBTA members to benefit from reduced registration offered to current members. Many virtual events offered to accommodate many geographic regions.


This is an introductory workshop that provides an overview of the Structural Analysis of Social Behavior model (SASB: Benjamin, 1974; 2000) alongside the therapy approach developed from its use, Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT: Benjamin, 2006; 2018). SASB is a descriptive measure of relational behavior that can be used to track patterns described by patients within and across relationships, including within the therapeutic relationship. The model is organized around the three distinctions of Focus, Affiliation, and Interdependence and can be very helpful to refine and focus work with clients who experience interpersonal problems (including their relationship to themselves) as well as the variety of affective, cognitive, and behavioral disturbances that flow from and contribute to those problems. In keeping with Benjamin’s (2018) developmental perspective rooted in natural biology, the materials will include use of SASB to develop a clinical case formulation based on connections between current symptoms and patients’ early and present relational patterns. Ultimately the goal of such a formulation is to use the awareness to help patients choose and adopt more adaptive ways of being.

This is part of PBTA's Implementation Series. Those who complete this training will be invited to participate in OPTIONAL additional case consultation virtual meetings with Dr. Critchfield to support implementation. This is also a prerequisite for an Intermediate Training that PBTA will host for CE credits.

CE Learning Objectives

Following this presentation, participants will be able to:

  • (1)    Describe the SASB model in terms of its three underlying dimensions of Focus, Affiliation, and Interdependence
  • (2)    Begin to apply SASB to develop an individual case formulation as well as track in-session relationship process
  • (3)    Define therapy goals in interactive, interpersonal terms

Recommended Readings:

Essential sources:

Benjamin, L. S. (2018). Interpersonal reconstructive therapy for anger, anxiety, and depression: It's about broken hearts, not broken brains. American Psychological Association.

Benjamin, L. S., Rothweiler, J. C., & Critchfield, K. L. (2006). The use of structural analysis of social behavior (SASB) as an assessment tool. Annual review of clinical psychology2, 83–109.

 Additional resources (will be shared with registrants):

Critchfield, K. L., Benjamin, L. S., & Levenick, K. (2015). Reliability, sensitivity, and specificity of case formulations for comorbid profiles in Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy: addressing mechanisms of psychopathology. Journal of Personality Disorders, 29(4), 547-573. doi:

Critchfield, K. L., Thapa, P., Panizo, M. T., & Conceição, N. (2022). Using interpersonal reconstructive therapy to address comorbid problems organized by attachment-based learning: The case of Don. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 78, 396– 408.

Woehrle, P. L., Critchfield, K. L., Anolik, S., Bobal, C., Pempek, T. A., & Skowron, E. A. (2022). Multigenerational patterns of parenting‐at‐risk: A test of interpersonal specificity using copy process theory. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1–15.

 About Presenter

Ken Critchfield, Ph.D. is a tenured Associate Professor and Program Director of the Clinical Psychology Program of the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology of Yeshiva University in New York City. Dr. Critchfield’s research, teaching and clinical work all emphasize interpersonal and attachment-based principles of change implemented in Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy (IRT: Benjamin, 2003; 2018). IRT is an integrative, psychosocial treatment that uses an attachment-based case formulation to tailor treatment for patients having severe and chronic problems characterized comorbid depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and/or chronic suicidality, often accompanied by personality disorder. Dr. Critchfield earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Utah, with an internship at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, and post-doctoral training at Weill-Cornell Medical College. He was co-director of the IRT clinic at the University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute and directed the Combined-Integrated Clinical and School Psychology program at James Madison University. Dr. Critchfield is a Fellow of APA’s Society for Advancement of Psychotherapy (Div. 29). He has held leadership roles with the Society for Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI) and has long been a member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research (SPR). He maintains a psychotherapy practice and is Director of the Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy Institute, which provides resources and training in use of Structural Analysis of Social Behavior (SASB) and IRT.

Target Audience

This presentation is intended for licensed mental health professionals and advanced graduate student trainees seeking licensure and with some clinical experience. The instructional level of this presentation is BEGINNER.

Continuing Education

  • Philadelphia Behavior Therapy Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists*. Philadelphia Behavior Therapy Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
  • This program provides two (2) hours of CE credits in suicide prevention.
  • PBTA is also an authorized provider of CE credits for Professional Counselors, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Clinical Social Workers licensed in the state of Pennsylvania.
  • Full attendance with video display is required to obtain CE credit for this program. APA guidelines do not permit PBTA to issue partial CE credits. No refunds are provided for CE programs. No exceptions allowed.
  • All events are Eastern Time Zone 
  • Contact if you need any learning accommodations no later than one week before event.

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